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Brand strength :   The top 500 global  |   China's top 500  |   Industry leading brand  |   Regional strong brand  |  
The service content :   Diagnosis of consulting  |   Brand strategy  |   The enterprise culture  |   Creative design  |   Brand promotion  |   Brand management  |  
The project properties :   Brand new ground  |   Old brand new environment  |   Old brand new environment  |  
Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area
Not to the Great Wall is not a good man, to Badaling really shocked
Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area
Badaling Great Wall is located at the northern mou...
浏览: 144539 >
The only European operator at the Shanghai World Expo
The name Chima is China Marketing, a Company of th...
浏览: 112809 >
Scientific development
Want to be a strong country first, strong brand first!
Scientific development
Fusion of the "two instruments" elements in Chines...
浏览: 13505 >
The Summer Palace
One of the three business cards for Beijing tourism
The Summer Palace
The Summer Palace, a royal garden during the Qing ...
浏览: 57501 >
2010 Shanghai World Expo Europe Promotion
Shanghai World Expo Europe Promotion
2010 Shanghai World Expo Europe Promotion
Universal Expo, an acronym for Exposition; Also kn...
浏览: 5518 >
China National Wetland Park
National Wetland Park Brand Standard
China National Wetland Park
In recent years, with the gradual spread of wetlan...
浏览: 4918 >
2005 Japan World Expo - China Pavilion
Image of the China Pavilion at the Japan World Expo
2005 Japan World Expo - China Pavilion
Expo, as the name implies, is the World Expo, is t...
浏览: 6350 >
Zhongshan park
China's First Central People's Park
Zhongshan park
Zhongshan Park is located south of the Forbidden C...
浏览: 54729 >

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