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Brand strength :   The top 500 global  |   China's top 500  |   Industry leading brand  |   Regional strong brand  |  
The service content :   Diagnosis of consulting  |   Brand strategy  |   The enterprise culture  |   Creative design  |   Brand promotion  |   Brand management  |  
The project properties :   Brand new ground  |   Old brand new environment  |   Old brand new environment  |  
China and the EU business bridge platform, business model to build
LIFE365 SRL Italy Co., Ltd., is the original EUROC...
浏览: 10907 >
Scientific development
Want to be a strong country first, strong brand first!
Scientific development
Fusion of the "two instruments" elements in Chines...
浏览: 13505 >
People's Insurance Group with huge investment, into the life insurance market
Chinese Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (or Life Insuranc...
浏览: 11649 >
2010 Shanghai World Expo Europe Promotion
Shanghai World Expo Europe Promotion
2010 Shanghai World Expo Europe Promotion
Universal Expo, an acronym for Exposition; Also kn...
浏览: 5518 >
China National Wetland Park
National Wetland Park Brand Standard
China National Wetland Park
In recent years, with the gradual spread of wetlan...
浏览: 4918 >
2005 Japan World Expo - China Pavilion
Image of the China Pavilion at the Japan World Expo
2005 Japan World Expo - China Pavilion
Expo, as the name implies, is the World Expo, is t...
浏览: 6350 >
2008 Beijing Olympic Games Qinhuangdao Race Zone
The world's biggest and most exciting event to date
2008 Beijing Olympic Games Qinhuangdao Race Zone
The 29th Summer Olympic Games, also known as the 2...
浏览: 9899477 >
China, the United States, Germany, the three countries cooperation
Beijing Mercedes-Benz Automobile Co., Ltd. (Beijin...
浏览: 12001 >

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